Threshold Homomorphic Encryption


Our Threshold Homomorphic Encryption protocol is a fundamental cryptographic module in our platform. This protocol consists of two main algorithms:

  • Distributed Key Generation: ensures the secure generation of asymmetric cryptographic keys in a distributed manner, preventing any single entity from having complete access to sensitive key information. The generated keys can be used by the encryption requests and the decryption process is protected by a threshold of response from committee members.

  • Homomorphic Encryption: implements an additive homomorphic ElGamal encryption scheme to allow the computation on encrypted data, which enables privacy-preserving features such as Private Funding or Private Voting on our platform

The features of this protocol:

  1. Committee Management: Creation and configuration of a key generation committee with a security threshold of T / N members.

  2. Key Generation: Committee members contribute their random inputs and computation results to generate encryption public keys.

  3. Key Usage: Services can request to use generated keys for their use cases.

  4. Threshold (Additive) Homomorphic Encryption: This service allows an arbitrary number of users to encrypt their secret vectors and the sum vector can be computed without decrypting the encryption submissions. And the final results can only be computed after T / N members submitted their response contribution.

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